Infosys, The End of One Journey...

Infosys was long defined by the charisma and values of its iconic founder-chairman, N.R. Narayana Murthy. With his innings coming to an end, the company begins its quest for longevity in an era of change

Published: May 16, 2011 06:06:19 AM IST
Updated: May 16, 2011 09:26:26 AM IST
Infosys, The End of One Journey...
Image: Gireesh GV for Forbes India
Narayana Murthy, founder-chairman of Infosys Technologies

A day after the momentous decision on N.R. Narayana Murthy’s successor, the 65-year-old chairman of Infosys Technologies met Forbes India’s Mitu Jayashankar in his office in the company’s Electronic City campus. Shortly after the interview, Murthy set off to London to attend a global board meeting on May 4, after which he left for Los Angeles to see his granddaughter, who was born at 7 pm on April 27. Excerpts:

S. (Kris) Gopalakrishnan has said that the market is very volatile and you don’t have the visibility you had in the past. One of the things you stressed is predictability. Is there any discussion inside Infosys that it must move away from giving guidance?

I will say what my philosophy is. The company may move away from it when I leave in August. My belief has been that if I’m the CEO, I must know what the target for the quarter is — top line and bottom line — and for the whole year. In a company like ours, in the earlier days, there were lots of shareholders who were also employees. If we don’t announce [the target] to the public at large, there could be asymmetry of information. It would lead to insider trading. Therefore, before we listed, in 1993, I said that we should give guidance, both for the quarter and for the year. We are the only company that does it. It is not mandatory that Infosys needs to follow it post August 21. It is as right to change it as it is not.

Have there been any discussions around it inside the board?
No. There is no law that demands it. If somebody feels that this is no longer important, then why not?

There is so much talk about your bellwether status being under threat...
We were voted the best employer last year; we have been voted in the top seven-eight in the world in the most admired knowledge enterprise [category]; we have been voted the best in finance in Asia; we have the best training facility in the world…. So we continue to be the bellwether. But if you define bellwether by the stock market, then we have gone through much bigger reverses. For example, in 2001, when I took a decision to announce that we will grow only 30 percent as opposed to 100 percent the previous year, the stock went down from Rs. 5,500 to Rs. 1,500. We said, so be it.

One of the most important decisions for executive management is not to look at the ticker tape. As long as we satisfy our customers, as long as the employees are happy, we embrace speed, imagination and excellence in execution, as long as we make a difference in society, I believe that revenues will come and therefore market cap will come. We should do nothing keeping the ticker tape in mind. Frankly, I worry nothing about that.

The perception now is that the competition is far more aggressive. Is that a worry that the board shares?

I have tremendous respect for competition at the global level. Thanks to them we have brought a lot of innovation to this company. Having said that, when people make comparisons between one company and another, they have to know the details. You have to look at our quality of earnings, our depreciation policies, our earnings recognition policy, our revenue recognition policy, the taxes that we pay. We have paid taxes of Rs. 2,400 crore in India. I’m very proud of that. I am the only CEO who stood up and said there should be no tax exemptions for export companies. Many of my colleagues were upset with me. But in a poor company like India, it makes no sense to say I pay taxes in Japan, US and rest of the world, but not in India. When you look at all that and say I have 26 percent margin of net income, there is no other company like that. So when you look at all this and normalise it, then you can compare. You look at one or two figures and write something that is not [true].

If S.D. Shibulal comes to you after August 21, what would you advise him?
I have signed the non-disclosure agreement and that will end on August 20. On August 21, I don’t think Shibulal will come to me and ask me any issue that has a stock market implication. The directors and officers and the well-known US firms that are investors have to sign an undertaking that whatever information they get regarding any material decision that the company takes will be confidential — they can’t share it with anybody to sell and buy shares. Only among those people [will] these discussions take place. So, Shibulal won’t discuss any of these issues with me. [But] he could discuss with me: How do I improve my image? That has no implication on the stock market. That he could do.

A lot is being said about ‘moving on the value chain’. You created Infosys Consulting in 2004, has it served its purpose?

Absolutely, I’m very happy. IC now has made tremendous impact on Infosys Technologies. Their net income margin is among the best in the world in consulting companies. Their per capita revenue productivity is $300,000 per annum. They have lots of transformational projects.

You have said that each CEO has a different set of challenges and you can’t compare one era with another. Your personality was suited for the initial years of Infosys. Why is Shibulal’s personality right for this time in Infosys’ life?

He is a good leader. He creates confidence in his colleagues. He takes good decisions and understands strategic trajectory. He connects the bird’s eye view with the worm’s eye view. He has a very good value system. He will be good.

After Mohandas Pai’s exit, there has been a constant debate on founders versus professionals. Is this really a meritocratic institution or is the position rotated among founders?
First of all, I’d like to see another company that is more professional than this. Then yes, I’d like to learn from them. Second, this company was founded by professionals, I invited six other people. These people have been as smart as anybody else. In fact, I gave a test to each of the six people I recruited. They scored 100 out of 100. I don’t know if the people in Infosys today would get to that level of IQ. Their value system is impeccable — one thing I am very, very proud of. Third, the sacrifices they made when the company was very small, very few other Infoscions have made. Fourth, they continue to add value and have distinguished themselves in the eyes of their peers, subordinates and therefore, when there is a set of competent people in the same band in the company, you have to use seniority.

It is the principle behind iRace, which Infosys has implemented under the guidance of Mohandas Pai. (Angry now) That principle said that if there are two people who are seen as equals in all other respects, use longevity inside the organisation or longevity in the role as a factor to consider promotion — that has been written down under the iRace formula, so I’m not saying anything new. This is what Mr. Pai has said and we are following that.

Were you disappointed that he chose to step down?
No, he is a bright fellow and he has added significant value to the company. At Infosys, we have always said that once you reach the age of 50, it should be possible for anyone of us to opt for playing a role on a much larger canvas. [N.S.] Raghavan, Nandan [Nilekani] and I gave up our roles when we were in our 50s. I wish him all the best. He is a smart fellow and will add value to the country.

This tenet with which you ran the company — the Predictability, Sustainability, Profitability and Derisking model — should it change?
No, why should it change? After all, it says predictability of revenues is extremely important. You need to have systems, you need to collect data from the ground level and feed it to the system. You need sustainability to our sales people walking the pavements and meeting the customers, making sure that the sale is made; our delivery people making software on budget and delivering it on time; finance people raising invoice on time and collecting money on time; and also creating services which will give us annuity so that there is sustainable revenue and profitability.
I have always focussed on the bottom line. You have to derisk — you should not depend on one client or one technology or one geography. These are universal principles; these are time-invariant and context-invariant principles and they hold good. I hope they wouldn’t change. It is the prerogative of the CEO and the management, as long as they have something better.

Will you have a lot of time now that you are not the chairman of Infosys?
Not really. I’m on the board of several companies and institutions and today, I spend eight to 10 days at Infosys, which I won’t do now. I will spend more time at [the VC fund] Catamaran. And I have become a grandfather and my son is going to be married soon and therefore, I will spend a little more time with them.

Any thoughts of a larger public role?
I have not thought of that, but I’m very comfortable communicating to youngsters of their need to be disciplined, their higher aspirations to show work ethic. This is a rare time in the history of the country when we can consolidate on the good things that we have done and when we have the opportunity to solve the problem on poverty.

I would be happy to communicate with youngsters on this so any platform that provides me this opportunity will be wonderful.

Has the government reached out to you for any larger role?

You saw talent in other founders who were younger and less experienced than you. Is there something that Infosys can learn from that and institutionalise and groom the next set of leaders?
We seeded Yantra and that got sold to SBC and is finally a part of IBM. We seeded OnMobile and it is a standalone company. We have the voice of the youth in our management council. I have always insisted that in any committee, one-third of the members must be people below 30. I have enjoyed talking to youngsters and this company will hopefully continue that. I have demonstrated that by leaving dot on my 65th year, we have to create more opportunities for youngsters.
So why don’t you write a book on Infosys, now that the NDA will expirevin August?
That is something I have given some thought to, but at this stage I’m not convinced. If I write, I have to write about the good, the bad and the ugly. If I write only good things about Infosys, you will get bored very quickly; if I write the not-so-good then there is no upside, so there is no value for that. Many people write books that talk only pleasant stuff. I have lots of offers from very well-known agents in New York, Boston, Los Angles, but I have deliberately said no. Some friends have said that I can write it and they will preserve it in some archives in well-known universities in the US. In fact, last week when I was at Harvard for my son’s PhD viva, someone asked me this, but I have declined for now.

(This story appears in the 20 May, 2011 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)