An eye for problems, a will for solutions

Abhimanyu Jakhar's exceptional life journey to become a successful entrepreneur

Published: Jan 5, 2024 01:43:04 PM IST
Updated: Jan 5, 2024 04:52:23 PM IST

Abhimanyu Jakhar of Jakhar hospitality and co-owner at Diablo, a Mediterranean restaurant in South MumbaiAbhimanyu Jakhar of Jakhar hospitality and co-owner at Diablo, a Mediterranean restaurant in South Mumbai

The story of Abhimanyu whose journey started as a young boy trying to solve problems and make the world a little better to an adult who is successfully doing it and impacting people’s life positively through his ventures Santosh Offshore Consultants, JHPL, Inter Urban Hotel, Diablo and many more to come. But as no climb uphill is free of obstacles on the road; his journey was not an easy one. It began when he took his first leap of faith and left a high paying campus job to follow his dreams and since then there was no looking back. He started with a furniture company, then a football turf leasing company; all with the aim to solve problems he himself faced. However, like many things in life, this did not fall in place in the first time but gave lessons that contributed immensely to his journey.

Seeds of his venture Inter Urban Hotel were sowed when he realized his family-owned land in Rohtak, Haryana was not being utilized to its full potential and took responsibility of turning that around. The area being a popular industrial hub, it was home to multinational companies who would have to travel 1 to 2 hours to get a good hotel accommodation. He discovered these two problems and tried to create a synergy by building Inter Urban Hotel there. Initial days where tough with a lot of things to figure out, new mistakes, new learning, but that is how beginnings are. He truly believes and says winners are just losers who tried one more time. A never give up attitude, continue quest for learning and self-belief can help you pass through difficulties of life.

While Inter Urban Hotel was becoming a success, he started another venture solving the ship building industry problems leveraging the learnings he had from his dad who was in the Indian Navy. He learnt the problems faced in the Indian ship building process and came up with solution to solve those; reducing time/cost and increasing efficiently by huge margin. It started with one shipyard and now the company has presence/associations in many big shipyards of the country.

Abhimanyu Jakhar with a vision to revolutionize the restaurant industry in the coming futureAbhimanyu Jakhar with a vision to revolutionize the restaurant industry in the coming future

During the pandemic which gave the world a lot of time to reflect upon themselves, he realized he still had passion for the hospitality industry and could do much more than Inter Urban Hotel. That is when Diablo was formed! now they plan to expand heavily with 6 new brands with JHPL being the parent company under which Inter Urban Hotel and Diablo will operate. He says, “We do not aim to build a hotel or restaurant company but to build an experiential company, a company that builds experiences and not merely restaurants/hotels.

That is not the end to the story! Proudly having ancestors with farming and navy background, both having such a positive impact on the society, he has in him the passion to help India’s farmers with more efficient, cost effective and most importantly revenue generating farming solutions. Apart from his ideas for rural India he also wants to tap the urban India by entering the construction space and building structures as tall as his dreams.

A lot said about what he did till now, talking on how he did it will inspire many. He says when you begin your journey your motivating factor could be money, respect, fame, success etc., but as you move ahead, life humbles you and it all boils down to motivation you get from knowing that you are impacting positively the life of people and their families who work with you.

If we had to summarize his top learning for anyone trying to make it, they would be:

1. Do not be scared when something strikes you hard or consider one failure as the end of the world, universe loves a stubborn heart.

2. While the hustle is a part of the journey, do not overlook the small happy moments in life, because we never know when life turns bad from worst. Never take life and your loved ones for granted!

3. The universe gives you everything in the moment it excepts you to give up but you don’t give up.

4. Play on your strong skills, while developing your weak skills.

5. It is easier to dream, the true test of your determination will be the execution phase, the key to getting through it is never giving up and always trying to make yourself better.

Reading his journey and lessons could be inspiring to many but who inspires him? It is not one person but traits of individuals that he finds inspiring such as Sir Ratan Tata’s way of serving the country, Elon Musk’s way of dreaming big, etc. Apart from that, his biggest inspiration lies in his family and he aspires to live a life where he makes them proud.

His journey tells us that nothing is impossible when you have the right idea, self-belief, willingness to make mistakes but never failing to learn and a never give up attitude! His dreams are not limited to one sector but spread across sectors and it would be no surprise if we see another people centric conglomerate company positively impacting the country and its citizens built in the future!

You will always make a difference in this world, with your work and with your existance, its you who has to decide what difference you actually want to make!

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