E-commerce expert Paul Gerard Parker's tips for successful business

Paul Gerard Parker has reached financial success that few could even dream of achieving.

Published: Aug 13, 2020 03:04:24 PM IST
Updated: Aug 13, 2020 03:25:17 PM IST


At just 22 years of age, Paul Gerard Parker has reached financial success that few could even dream of achieving. Functioning as both the co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Project Wifi, an E-commerce management company that employs over 50 people and manages over $19,000,000 in assets, Parker is experienced far beyond his years. Parker noticed early on that many aspiring entrepreneurs never get started in business because they are unsure of where to begin and fear the consequences of failure. He emphasizes that he is not afraid of failure- in fact, he believes failure is essential to achieving long-term success if you can use it as a lesson to propel forward.

When scaling a business, Parker advises business newcomers to build their businesses one step at a time rather than trying to do everything at once. “You’re going to have to break it down into small pieces. Taking it one step at a time will help you in the long run. You will be able to develop a better understanding of your projects and business.” Parker stated.

When it comes to failure, Parker deems it crucial to view it as a teaching tool rather than a barrier. Parker knows that difficult times are bound to happen. It happens to everyone in the business industry at some point. He explains that it's how you react to the situations that will finalize the outcome. “Stay positive and jump over all the obstacles that come your way and you will surely come out on top,” he says. 


Parker also considers building a reliable team is a critically important step on the journey to success. Earlier in his E-commerce journey, Parker sold products on Shopify but had limited success. After becoming connected with another entrepreneur, Andy Ta Kong, the two young businessmen realized they could turn a much greater profit dropshipping products on Amazon together. Parker and Ta Kong achieved great success and eventually used their Amazon business expertise to partner with fellow entrepreneurs, Mohammed Shakaoat and Marcello Cantu to form Project Wifi. 


Parker considers himself incredibly lucky to be part of such a motivated team and strongly believes that 100% of Project Wifi’s success is due to teamwork. “Teamwork is everything. You can feed off each other's motivation. You have to find people that can bring something unique to the table.” he said. Teamwork must be really paying off, as Project Wifi has helped manage over 55 Amazon stores, each earning between $35,000 - $115,000 per month.


While Parker aims to make each of his clients happy, he recognizes that every client may not be suitable for his business. He urges new entrepreneurs to be selective when choosing who to do business with. “Money is not everything. Only work with people who are open-minded and who are always looking at the bigger picture,” said Parker. The biggest piece of advice Parker can give any aspiring entrepreneur is to develop a tenacious work ethic and to not focus on potential setbacks. “Bad things will happen, how you react will define the outcome,” said the online business prodigy.

Parker loves what he does and does not plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay on the lookout for more great things from this young, flourishing entrepreneur.


Be sure to keep up with Paul Gerard Parker on his Instagram.


Disclaimer: The views, suggestions and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Forbes India journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.