Lion Kiron: Man on a mission

Published: Aug 8, 2019 09:08:22 AM IST
Updated: Aug 8, 2019 05:56:41 PM IST



There are a few who think differently and go on to create history by following up on their thoughts with focused action. Lion Kiron’s is one such success story. Carving a niche for himself in the real estate arena while he serves as the Honorary Consul - Republic of Bulgaria, he is a man with a mission. With zeal, commitment and a thirst for quality, he started out on his journey in a small way, over a decade ago. And since then, there has been no turning back.

Dr Kiron has always looked ahead with immense confidence and optimism. Valuing education as a means to build on his natural abilities, he armed himself with a Doctorate of Philosophy from the United States in Urban Planning & Tourism Development on top of a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Russia and two P.G. Diplomas, one in Public Relations from Telangana, India and the other in Computer Science.

Beyond his impressive qualifications, Dr Kiron was also professionally associated with various companies for 17 years before he became an entrepreneur. All this led him to become the successful promoter and CEO of the Suchirindia Group, based at Hyderabad, Telangana – India, which he set up in 2005.

With its extensive promoter experience, the Suchirindia Group has business interests ranging from construction and real estate to infrastructure and hospitality. Being equipped with tremendous depth in the marketing domain enabled Dr Kiron to drive his firm to become one of the finest and most progressive in the state and the country as well. He pioneered the concept of ushering in corporate governance and process-centric administration into the realty precinct. The net result was brand Suchirindia's exponential growth. The company which started off with just 30 employees is today teeming with more than 7,000 associates.

Dr Kiron has been celebrated in his personal and professional capacities. He has received an award for professional excellence. Energetic and lively, he spends quality time pursuing recreation and sports, making them an equally important part of his life. Being a sports aficionado, he also never fails to take time off from the hustle of business to catch sporting activities. At the same time, he’s an automobile buff, with an enviable collection of premium cars and legendary motorbikes. His passion for fashionable utilities has always been the talk of the town, especially among elite social circles. His collectibles comprise rare clothing and accessories too.

He has travelled the world on various expeditions and for various causes. From Arctic and Antarctic expeditions, he has made trips to South East Asia and the Middle East, Europe, USA, China, Japan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and Australia, South Africa and Mauritius, etc. At every event in each of these travel destinations, he has made a mark for himself. 

Dr Kiron is also a prolific author. With the knowledge and expertise he has gained over the years, he has penned several books on the real estate industry, including Medha, Claim Your Time, Of Feet & Yards, Blue Print and Earth Shastra. He also writes articles on real estates and other subjects for various publications.

Dr Kiron is today perceived as an archetype of self actualisation. He lives his life to the fullest as an entrepreneur, consul, philanthropist, world traveller, sports lover, fashion influencer and a socially responsible, proud Indian. He is a thought leader on both professional and personal fronts. Above all he is someone who believes in “A life not lived for others is not a life lived at all."

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