Mental health: Master of all health

Dr Sanjay Gupta, Professor of Psychiatry & Ex HoD Psychiatry IMS BHU Varanasi & Director of Khushaali Worldwide Campaign for a Stress free, Disease free, Healthy & Happy World

Published: Oct 5, 2020 02:03:56 PM IST
Updated: Oct 7, 2020 01:08:17 PM IST

The master of the health is mental health because what the mind feels the body follows. If the quality of mental health is good the person is overall healthy. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging. Mental health is important because it can help you to

  • Cope with the stresses of life
  • Be physically healthy
  • Have good relationships
  • Make meaningful contributions to your community
  • Work productively
  • Realize your full potential
Mental health is much more than a diagnosis. It's your overall psychological well-being—the way you feel about yourself and others as well as your ability to manage your feelings and deal with everyday difficulties. And while taking care of your mental health can mean seeking professional support and treatment, it also means taking steps to improve your emotional health on your own. Making these changes will pay off in all aspects of your life. A campaign named “Khushhali” which is initiated and successfully managed by Dr. Sanjay Gupta focusses on seven models or mantras to achieve a good mental health. These include:

Be kind for someone: Being helpful to others has a beneficial effect on how you feel about yourself. Being helpful and kind and valued for what you do is a great way to build self-esteem.

Connect with others and be sociable: Make an effort to maintain good relationships and talk to people whenever you get the chance. Having friends is important not just for your self-esteem, but also for providing support when you're not feeling too great.

Do something you’re good at: Enjoying yourself can help beat stress. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you’re good at it, and achieving something boosts your self-esteem.

Stay close to nature: Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems including anxiety and depression. Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing.

Talk about your feelings: Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled.

Time Management: Another practice that can help you to relieve stress and manage your mental health is time management. Planning and organizing your time can make a big difference to your ability to cope with the set of activities you need to complete.

Update and upgrade yourself: How you think about yourself can have a powerful effect on how you feel. Practice using words that promote feelings of self-worth and personal power.

Disclaimer: The views, suggestions and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Forbes India journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.