In conversation with Digpu, Numr CEO Amitayu Basu unravels how businesses can endure the uncertainty, chaos, and volatility of current times. His answer is simple- Adapt
Numr is a tech-led market research company that helps other companies attract new customers, delight existing ones, and innovate their product. They do this by utilising Agile Market Research.
When asked what Agile Market Research means, Amitayu Basu explains, “Agile MR is the only way to respond to the changing dynamics of this current crisis. Agile Research is real-time, dynamic, flexible, and collaborative. At its core, it entails responding to change as and when it occurs, rather than following a rigid plan. Instead of shying away from uncertainty, it embraces it. This is crucial in the current crisis.”
Here are some takeaways from our conversation including his tips on how businesses can flourish right now, and how Numr incorporates them.
“Did you know that 89% companies now compete mostly based on Customer Experience?” He adds, “Delivering outstanding CX has become increasingly important, especially in the current panorama, which is why, our AI-led CX platform uses NPS® to collect real-time customer feedback across multiple channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, Phone, and IVR.”
What differentiates Numr from other CX companies is that they collect feedback at ‘the moment of truth’. This data is analysed automatically using AI, prioritized, and then distributed in real-time with customisable dashboards to the people who need to act on it. This allows companies to cut costs while delivering superior CX.
Numr also use sentiment-analysis and AI to help companies obtain insights from comments, reviews and massively reduce Churn. Additionally, the company uses predictive analytics to find customers with the highest chance of leaving and helps in focusing a company’s efforts on recovering high-value customers.