Music Festivals Coming Up

Music festivals that will leave you whistling a tune

Published: Feb 9, 2012 06:23:18 AM IST
Updated: Feb 8, 2012 03:26:49 PM IST
Music Festivals Coming Up
Image: Bobin James / Khachaak.Com
SING AWAY THE BLUES Catch Jonny Lang at the Mahindra Blues Festival in Mumbai

This spring, there is music in the air. Here are some music festivals that will leave you whistling a tune

Sulafest 2012
Location: Sula Vineyards, Nashik
When: February 4-5
Artists: Nitin Sawhney, Blackstratblues, Papon & East India Company
Damage: Rs. 1,800. The highlight this year is undoubtedly Nitin Sawhney. He is a huge favourite of Rajeev Samant, founder and CEO of Sula Vineyards.

Area79 Music and Arts Festival

Location: The Kikar Lodge, Himalayan Forests
When: March 8-11
Artists: Jalebee Cartel, AnnoyingNinjas, Jahbo and others
Damage: Unknown. This festival promises to stimulate all the five senses of the human experience. A bunch of international acts will be playing here.

Mahindra Blues Festival
Location: Mehboob Studios, Mumbai
When: February 11-12
Artists: Buddy Guy, Jonny Lang and others
Damage: Rs. 4,000. The legendary Buddy Guy makes his second Indian appearance to perform at the equally renowned Mehboob Studios in Bandra.

Karbi Youth Festival
Location: Taralangso, Assam
When: February 15-19
Artists: Assorted
Damage: Unknown. One of the biggest ethnic festivals in India. Keeping with the ethos of the Karbi culture, this event is free of corporate sponsorship. It’s organised by the Karbi Cultural Society.  

Eristoff Invasion Festival
Location: New Delhi, Pune, Bangalore
Artist: David Guetta
Damage: Unknown. If you have a kid between 15 and 25, get ready to spend a substantial amount on “entertainment”. David Guetta is the Brad Pitt of DJs and every kid is going to want to be there.

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(This story appears in the 17 February, 2012 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)