Defeat the sedentary lifestyle: Win life, enjoy and be Happy

Dr Ashish discloses the importance of saying no to a sedentary lifestyle and embracing an active & healthy lifestyle

Published: Feb 23, 2022 06:14:36 PM IST
Updated: Feb 23, 2022 06:23:12 PM IST

A sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of several modern lifestyle-related diseases like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, poor muscular and skeletal health. Poor Muscular skeletal health increases the dependency on others especially among the older group which affects their personal social, communal and overall quality of life. It may result in early loss of both health and money.

With the current scenario, being physically active becomes important for all age groups. Exercising every day, eating healthy and having sufficient sleep make a perfect healthy menu. Have this healthy menu every day, enhances your working capacity, delays your retirement age and you stay stress free and satisfied.

So, take out some time for yourself, feel your importance and the need of leading a healthy life. This video presents the importance of being active, eating healthy and being happy.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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