Good Health: Lifetime achievement

Dr Solanki discloses how today's busy lifestyle is stopping us from getting our lifetime achievement

Published: Feb 9, 2022 06:05:26 PM IST
Updated: Feb 9, 2022 06:07:13 PM IST

Healthy people remain independent and connected to one’s community. As humans we all need to be mobile throughout our life and stay connected, physical activity affects all aspects of our life. To remain mobile, good muscular-skeletal health becomes very important.

Today’s busy lifestyle, reduced physical activity and unhealthy eating habits have significantly impaired the overall health of every individual. People of all ages are suffering from poor muscular-skeletal health leading to an acute and chronic pain-causing limitation in physical activity, loss of participation, withdrawal from usual social and occupational activities and even hindering mental health.

So, take time and keep a watch on your physical activity and diet. Include moderate-intensity physical activities and a proper balanced diet to maintain your muscular-skeletal health. This video presents how good muscular-skeletal health impacts and increases the quality of life and overall well being.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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