Mango Prices Fall

Published: Jun 2, 2014 06:33:43 AM IST
Updated: May 30, 2014 04:43:49 PM IST

One of the few redeeming features of the oppressive Indian summer is mangoes. India, which produces mangoes in large numbers and varieties—the succulent Alphonso of Mumbai, the sweet Himshagor of Kolkata, the fragrant Langda of UP, the luscious Mallika of Bangalore—exports 50,000 tonnes of the fruit every year. Its price, therefore, is either cause for celebration or despair among its ardent devotees. Prices in Mumbai this year have touched a 15-year low, owing to oversupply, and a ban on import by EU countries.  Alphonsos, which sold for Rs 1,000-Rs 1,200 a dozen last year, have hit the market at Rs 350-Rs 400 a dozen (about Rs 100-120 a kg). In Delhi, too, prices are down, with Sindhoori (Rs 80 per kg) selling for less than last year and Safeda (Rs 50-Rs 60 a kg) remaining the same. In Bangalore, the hybrid Mallikas are selling at Rs 85-Rs 95 a kg, nearly the same as last year, Raspuri at Rs 45-Rs 55 a kg and Dasheri at Rs 75 a kg. 

(This story appears in the 13 June, 2014 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)

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