Where Is The Love This Valentine's Day?

Lovers have scaled down their budgets for Valentine's Day

Published: Feb 13, 2012 06:40:03 AM IST
Updated: Feb 8, 2012 03:27:16 PM IST

The deceleration in the economy’s growth rate seems to have claimed a rather unlikely victim. Cupid. And this time it’s the people struck by his arrows who are being mean.

A casual survey of the youth in Delhi and Bangalore reveals that lovers have scaled down their budgets for Valentine’s Day. A significant number even said they would give the occasion a miss while most others have plans for dinner and a small gift, with an upper limit of Rs. 2,000. This is a big fall from last year’s average of Rs. 3,600.

The romance has also been dampened as V-Day happens to be on a weekday (unlike a year or two earlier when it fell on a Monday and Sunday, respectively and people went out of station).