How the information orientation maturity of a company can help address the next big challenge
How can companies acquire greater maturity in the use of information? Ground-breaking research reveals some answers.
Following an ambitious program of “field” research – involving more than 1200 managers in more than 100 companies across 26 economic sectors and 40 countries – we at IMD have scientifically demonstrated a causal link between a company’s performance and its maturity with regard to its “information orientation” (IO). IO maturity is determined by three disciplines: namely information and communication technology practices; information life cycle management; and information behaviors and values.
Many organizations have long developed performance scorecards. However, up until now, they haven’t determined an effective way of seeing, measuring and managing their information capabilities. Now, however, companies taking an ever closer interest in the way information systems are used, have a toolkit developed by IMD at their disposal to evaluate and analyse their IO maturity – the IO Maturity Framework and Metric.
In an unprecedented exercise using two analytical tools, the research, done as a collaborative effort between IMD, Capgemini Consulting, CIGREF and Enterprise IQ, combined the use of a questionnaire with an online diagnostic tool for assessing Information Orientation Maturity we developed. Designed to evaluate an organization’s capacity to create value through the use of information, this tool has demonstrated its effectiveness around the world. The combination of these two instruments has made it possible to compare and statistically cross-correlate the answers on information usage and information value from the CIOs who took part.
The research had two main objectives. The first was to validate, across a broad sample of companies, the pertinence of the reference framework and practices defined during an earlier CIGREF study on the “Dynamics of IS-driven value creation” (White Paper 2008). The second was to look beyond information systems as containers and focus on their content, the information itself, and finally, as a side benefit, to assess the impact of the economic context of 2009 on the IT function.
Traditionally designed and deployed to automate operations and obtain scale effects, information systems are now firmly established at the core of the enterprise. In addition to the absolute necessity of ensuring uninterrupted operation, this situation opens up new possibilities.
[This article has been reproduced with permission from IMD, a leading business school based in Switzerland.]