Generation Alpha are the biggest gaming enthusiasts, study finds

Video games play an essential role in the lives of Generation Alpha (people born after 2010), according to Newzoo's Global Gamer Study 2023

Published: Oct 27, 2023 02:00:13 PM IST
Updated: Oct 27, 2023 02:07:03 PM IST

According to the study, 17% of Generation Alpha gamers play on mobile, console and PC.
Image: ShutterstockAccording to the study, 17% of Generation Alpha gamers play on mobile, console and PC. Image: Shutterstock

Young people belonging to Generation Alpha, born after 2010, love video games. In fact, this is the generation that devotes the largest share of its entertainment time to this activity, ahead of streaming sites and social networks. And Gen Alpha kids don't just play games, they also like to watch gaming content or streamers, or join gaming communities. In fact, video games have become an integral part of the daily lives of this generation.

Video games play an important role in the lives of Generation Alpha (people born after 2010), according to Newzoo's Global Gamer Study 2023* "How Different Generations Engage with Video Games Today." In fact, games are the primary source of entertainment for these young people. Each week, they spend 22% of their entertainment time playing games, ahead of streaming (movies and shows), which accounts for 17% of this time, social networking (16%), television (16%), music, podcasts and radio (15%), and reading (14%).

Compared to Generations Z, Y, X and the Baby Boomers, Generation Alpha spends the most time on video games, whether playing, watching gaming content or chatting with other gamers. Generation Z devotes as much time to video games as to social networking (19%). Among Millennials, the primary occupation is social networking (19%), ahead of video games and streaming (18%). Gen X and Baby Boomers are more fond of television (20% and 25% respectively).

81% of Generation Alpha prefer to play on mobile, versus 50% on console and 41% on PC. Some also play on multiple platforms, with 17% gaming on mobile, console and PC -- on par with Millennials and slightly less than for Gen Z (18%).

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According to the study data, while video games are a source of interest among all generations, Generation Alpha is the one with the most gaming enthusiasts, at 94%. In fact, the younger the generation, the greater the number of gaming fans. Baby Boomers are the least present in this field, with 43% of enthusiasts, compared with 64% among Gen X, 82% among Millennials and 90% among Gen Z.

"As younger generations grow up with gaming and new technologies pave the way for different, more accessible sorts of engagement (such as crossplatform play and higher-quality mobile games), we can anticipate even higher participation rates among older generations in the future," the research explains.

Gen Alpha gamers don't just play video games, they also partake in other forms of engagement. "43% of Gen Alpha engages with gaming via playing, viewing, and multiple other forms, including joining gaming communities, following streamers, and creating content," reads the research. Platforms such as Roblox, Minecraft or Fortnite enjoy great popularity with this generation in search of immersive social experiences.

"Gaming has become part of younger generations’ daily social life and identity. In many ways, it’s become a way of life for many enthusiasts instead of a pastime," the report concludes.

*The study was conducted between February and May 2023 among 74,295 people in 36 countries.