According to a report published by Ecovalia, Spain's professional association for the organic sector, the global organic food market grew by 3.5% in 2021 to reach €124.845 billion
The global organic food market grew by 3.5% in 2021, with the USA leading the way in terms of retail sales. Meanwhile, with significant growth in land use for organic farming, Africa could emerge as a new driving force in the sector.
Spain's professional association for the organic sector, Ecovalia—founded in 1991 and with more than 15,000 members, representing the equivalent of more than one million hectares of organic farming —recently published a comprehensive report proposing a snapshot of the organic food market in the country. The report is especially rich in insights that assess the progress of this market on a global scale. For example, the report states that the global organic food market grew by 3.5% in 2021 to reach €124.845 billion.
A total of 76,411,883 hectares of land were dedicated to organic production in the world in 2021. An area that has increased by 1.97% compared to 2020. But this global figure encompasses very different situations depending on the country. Oceania, which has 47% of the world's organic farming land, is the most advanced region in the field thanks to the huge scale of Australia's organic production areas (35.69 million hectares). Argentina takes second place, with 4.07 million hectares of land used for organic farming.
In the long term, Africa could have the potential to shape the future of organic agriculture. Although the continent has only 3% of the world's organic farming land, with more than 2.6 million hectares farmed today, it has recorded the strongest growth in one year, evaluated at +17.3%.
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