India’s Growth Journey
India has been one of the fastest growing major economies in the past decade. It is currently ranked as the world’s sixth largest economy and is on track to move up the rankings1 . Projections of growth, despite the disruption by the pandemic, remain positive and there is a real possibility that India can achieve a USD 5 trillion economy this decade2 .

In India’s Growth Drivers, we partner with Barclays Private Clients to invite some of India’s leading ecosystem stakeholders, including founders and venture capitalists, to share their views on the critical success factors that will enable India to reach its $5 trillion target.
How India's manufacturing industry is aiming high through disruptive innovation.
Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, increasing global inflation, a sluggish domestic demand, and the prolonged war in Ukraine, India has demonstrated remarkable economic growth. In the second panel discussion of our India’s Growth Drivers series, industry leaders debate the hurdles and opportunities for growth within domestic manufacturing, and how the sector is pivotal to India’s 5 trillion-dollar economy ambition.
Our Esteemed Panelists
Yogesh Mahansaria
Founder & Managing Director,
Mahansaria Tyres Group
Kartikey Hariyani
Managing Director, TecSo Projects &
Founder and CEO at Charge+Zone
Vishal Goenka
Artek Surfin Chemicals
Sriram Natarajan
Molbio Diagnostics
Adrish Ghosh
Managing Director,
Barclays Private Clients
How improved quality and entrepreneurial spirit will drive India’s growth
With 2022 being the second successive year of India creating more ‘unicorns’ than even China 3 , start-ups undoubtedly are set to play a major role in India’s economic growth. An equally important factor in determining India’s ability to achieve its target is the quality of enterprise; this attribute encompasses the ability of entrepreneurs and their businesses to stay resilient in the face of economic and business cycles. In this panel discussion, eminent industry leaders discuss the role of ‘quality’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ as key growth drivers towards India’s USD 5 trillion target.
Our Esteemed Panelists
Mohandas Pai
Manipal Global Education
Chaitanya Ramalingegowda
Gaurav Singh Kushwaha
Founder & CEO,
Arvind Varchaswi
Managing Director,
Sri Sri Tattva
Vamsi Krishna
CEO & Co-Founder,
Narayan Shroff
Head of Investments,
Barclays Private Clients
Read the Discussion
Listen to the Discussion
About Barclays Private Clients
We’ve called India ‘home’ since 1979. Barclays has been active in the Asia Pacific since 1968. We opened our first representative office in India in 1979 and our Private Clients service began in 2008. These years of experience, supporting wealthy clients in India and across the subcontinent, allow us to bring you an exceptional service today. Find out more.
1) World Economic Forum, ‘This chart shows the growth of India's economy’. 26 September, 2022.
2) International Monetary Fund (IMF). ‘India: 2022 Article IV Consultation: Country Report No. 2022/386’.
3) Bain & Company – ‘India Venture Capital Report 2023’.


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