It's March 31. It's also International Transgender Day of Visibility and a good time to ask whether brands are really moving the needle on inclusivity
Why don’t we divide this world between you and me, one part for people who look like you, one part for people like me? That is the question Kaya is asking in their 'BeautyInSafety' campaign that is launching this International Transgender Day of Visibility.
The skincare brand has taken its first step towards extending support to the transgender community with the launch of this new initiative, and so have many other brands. In a bid to be more inclusive, over the years, brands have been launching campaigns like 'Swad Apnepan Ka,' 'Touch of Care' or aligning themselves with ongoing projects that serve the community. But is it enough?
Like Samyukta Ganesh Iyer, VP and Head of Marketing, Kaya says, “For communities that have gone through years of oppression and marginalisation, such as the transgender community, no efforts are enough. But we start somewhere.”
Marketing experts share the same opinion. Brands are trying, they say.
While inclusivity is the mantra for some time now, it is also a marketing agenda.