The founder and creative director of MissMalini Entertainment, Girl Tribe, and cofounder of Good Creator Co, on the women who taught her important lessons before she turned 25
I would be remiss if I said I could put onto one page all the women who have had an impact on my life, but what I would love to tell you about are the women who have been instrumental at all the major turning points of my life, before I even turned 25, and that played a major role in shaping who I am today.
Age 9 - Miss Webster
She was a blonde, blue-eyed substitute teacher at my school in Greece. As the only Indian kid in class, I distinctly remember that another Greek teacher had singled me out for something and blown it out of proportion. Probably my first brush with racism, and Miss Webster had come to my rescue with hugs and scratch n’ sniff stickers, fiercely shielding me from a concept I had not fully grasped then. I will always remember her and be grateful for her kindness.