Defining Debates Of 2011

12 Big Debates That Define Our Times, Settled

12 Big Debates That Define Our Times, Settled

Madhu Kishwar: Urbanisation And Poor

Madhu Kishwar: Urbanisation And Poor

Rama Bijapurkar: The Whole Six Yards

Rama Bijapurkar: The Whole Six Yards

A. Damodaran: The Despair of The Ganges

A. Damodaran: The Despair of The Ganges

Free Enterprise Vs. Regulation

Free Enterprise Vs. Regulation

  • Vijay Govindarajan: Jugaad - A Model for Innovation

    Vijay Govindarajan: Jugaad - A Model for Innovation

    It is a word that has travelled from India’s hinterlands to the management lexicon. Meet Jugaad, the innovative workaround to complex problems. The problem arises when people start looking at it as a permanent solution

  • Vijay Mahajan: Values vs.Valuations

    Vijay Mahajan: Values vs.Valuations

    Corporations are partly responsible for and have suffered the effects of the triad of crises — social, environmental and economic ­— that have hit the world since 2008. An ‘ideal’ corporation today would be one that takes care of society, employs a lot of people and is environmentally conscious

  • Azim Premji: The Business of Ecology

    Azim Premji: The Business of Ecology

    The multiple debates over ecology are bound to be the defining issues of humanity over the next few decades. This would drive both risks and opportunities. Smart companies know that an improvement in ecology will determine economic sustainability. And whatever is ethical, whatever is good for the society, will eventually be good for business too

  • Shashi Tharoor: War For Peace

    Shashi Tharoor: War For Peace

    Throughout history, men have waged war for power, wealth, land and occasionally over women. But rarely, except in the past two or three centuries have they gone to war to bring peace. Is peace really the raison d’etre for the wars being fought in different parts of the world? Or are the real reasons the same as history has taught us?

  • T.N. Ninan: India's Newspaper Business is Not Disappearing Just Yet

    T.N. Ninan: India's Newspaper Business is Not Disappearing Just Yet

    Inflated newsrooms and the Internet caused the news business model to break down in the West

  • Raju Narisetti: News and World Wide Web

    Raju Narisetti: News and World Wide Web

    As the Internet provided a platform for sharing news faster and wider with negligible distribution costs, the newspaper business models that leaned heavily on advertisers for revenues and an elaborate production and distribution infrastructure began to crumble

  • Satyajit Das: Double-edged Dollar

    Satyajit Das: Double-edged Dollar

    An integrated international financial system certainly reduces economic sovereignty of nations, as the European Union experiment has shown. The issue is compounded by complex derivative instruments that are now arriving in developing nations like India. What is the risk that foreign capital packaged in complex instruments bring to local economies?

  • Jaggi Vasudev: Spirituality and Secularism

    Jaggi Vasudev: Spirituality and Secularism

    No country lives with so many religions as India does. The conflict in the world today is between one man’s belief and another’s. It is not good versus evil as it is often projected to be