In India, deep tech startups are just beginning to tackle specific problems of manufacturing, with the application of AI
Three to five years from now, every single decision—from the time consumers place an order to when they receive the purchase—will be system-driven. Humans will support or build on top of the stack
With artificial intelligence, companies can process massive datasets and discover hidden insights that help them find better solutions
Organisations need to adopt basic principles for responsible artificial intelligence to gain competitive advantage; they must also design systems that can effectively deal with biases
Google, Alexa or Siri: Interactive conversational AI is now big business, and ready for the next frontier
This next phase in agritech, using artificial intelligence, could change the game for the industry in India
Certain kinds of technologies, colloquially and collectively labelled as artificial intelligence, are gradually replacing bureaucratic agency in making important executive decisions and government functions that have social consequences
A blood oxygen checker that uses just your phone camera and flash? Companies are working on various innovations in healthcare using artificial intelligence, fuelled by the Covid-19 pandemic
Edtech startups are deepening their tech capabilities to personalise classes, monitor individual students and find ways to keep children more engaged
It's necessary to educate everyone about the subject and put in place rules for its responsible use
AI systems can give rise to issues related to discrimination, personal freedoms, and accountability, but there can be ways to correct them