
Enzen's chairman Satheesh Kumar on ambition to build templates for net-zero communities

Enzen's chairman Satheesh Kumar on ambition to build templates for net-zero communities

Divyansh Saini at Houseware on winning the Snowflake challenge and bringing data to those who need it

Divyansh Saini at Houseware on winning the Snowflake challenge and bringing data to those who need it

How Sunil Vachani built Dixon Technologies into a electronics manufacturing behemoth

How Sunil Vachani built Dixon Technologies into a electronics manufacturing behemoth

Sirisha Bandla at Virgin Galactic on the potential for collaboration with Indian space tech startups

Sirisha Bandla at Virgin Galactic on the potential for collaboration with Indian space tech startups

Yoav Zeif, CEO at Stratasys, on advances in 3D printing and the challenges in the way of greater adoption

Yoav Zeif, CEO at Stratasys, on advances in 3D printing and the challenges in the way of greater adoption