How to Lead Strategic Change Without Inciting a Mutiny

How to Lead Strategic Change Without Inciting a Mutiny

The Importance of Doing Nothing

The Importance of Doing Nothing

The Danger of Siloed Social Media

The Danger of Siloed Social Media

Forgiveness as a Business Tool

Forgiveness as a Business Tool

Overcoming Challenges of Personal Change

Overcoming Challenges of Personal Change

  • Breaking Bad Leadership Habits

    Breaking Bad Leadership Habits

    Leaders have to learn and practice new management techniques to overcome the habits that could be holding them back. In two articles, I examine the obstacles, and later, the factors that can help senior executives overcome them

  • The 'People' Part of Successful Strategy Implementation

    The 'People' Part of Successful Strategy Implementation

    Most strategies fail to be implemented correctly. The companies that succeed are those which concentrate on creating strategy which has people and implementation at its heart rather than having annual planning exercises masquerading as strategy

  • What Could Have Saved Nokia, and What Can Other Companies Learn?

    What Could Have Saved Nokia, and What Can Other Companies Learn?

    Nokia lost the smartphone battle despite having half of the global market share in 2007. Some argue that it was down to software, others that it was complacency. We argue that collective emotions within the company were a big part of the story

  • The Dark Side of Online Discounts

    The Dark Side of Online Discounts

    Companies can profit handsomely from online daily discounts but intermediaries often have conflicting objectives that need to be managed

  • INSEAD's Global Thought Leaders: Morten Hansen

    INSEAD's Global Thought Leaders: Morten Hansen

    Achieving leadership greatness means leveraging luck and navigating between extremes, says INSEAD Professor of Entrepreneurship Morten Hansen in an interview with INSEAD Knowledge. The transcript is below

  • Inclusive Leadership: Unlocking Diverse Talent

    Inclusive Leadership: Unlocking Diverse Talent

    Gender diversity can be a polarising topic in big companies. Swiss Re holds some important lessons on how to foster a diverse environment with flexibility and inclusiveness for everyone

  • Finding Your Network Advantage

    Finding Your Network Advantage

    Companies have access to untapped value in their partnership networks, but many miss out on the available opportunities

  • Labour Efficiency: Workloads or Makework?

    Labour Efficiency: Workloads or Makework?

    New INSEAD research shows that indeed if you want something done, give it to a busy person. But how long can that formula work for?

  • Busting Innovation Myths

    Busting Innovation Myths

    Sitting under an apple tree may have played a part in Isaac Newton’s law of universal gravitation but it takes more than an epiphany to innovate

  • Meditate for More Profitable Decisions

    Meditate for More Profitable Decisions

    It’s a practice rooted in Hinduism and adopted by beatniks seeking spiritual guidance. Now evidence shows meditation can improve business decisions and save your company from expensive investment mistakes

  • Forgiveness as a Business Tool

    Forgiveness as a Business Tool

    Forgiveness can make us a better person but does it make a better leader? An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye…ends in making everyone blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)